Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ab Raj Karay gi Khalk-e-Khuda

The whole nation deserves to celebrate the restoration of judges specially that of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Cahudary. At last the efforts of civil society and that of lawyers resulted into something which can be a foundation stone for free judiciary.

Having said all this, i still am skeptical of the current situation. We, as nation, associate too much hopes from people. Lets see what change would restoration of Cj bring into the judicial system. The most encouraging fact was the involvement of the whole nation in uproar against the establishment. i guess this is for the first time that people have protest for so long against some government decision.

So i congratulate everyone on this historical event


  1. ofcurs judiciary is an important functionary organ of the governmnt and indepdent judicairy not only ensure rule of law but also the democracy in the country.....:)

  2. great post. i have the right to express my opinion here na?:p the whole pakistan was involved in the street protests? nah.
    overall, yes, it maybe the right step- in the right direction is still the question however. which i guess, only time can answer.

  3. thank you Bilal :)

    and my anonymous friend you can express your opinion whatever it is. freedom of xpression is true essence of Bethak :)
